TERMS AND CONDTIONS FOR EU CUSTOMERS (as for italian customers please refer to the document in italian)

These Terms and Conditions of Sale concern the purchase of products in the E-Shop section of the site https://sh775.it, products marketed by the company Webenergy Sas with registered and operational headquarters in Via Grandi, 3, 60131 Ancona (AN) - Italy. Fiscal Code and VAT number: IT02028580425. To purchase the products, the interested party must provide Webenergy Sas with the data necessary for managing the order and issuing a regular tax document. Each purchase transaction will be governed by the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 185/99 and, as regards the protection of confidentiality, it will be subject to the legislation pursuant to Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196 and the GDPR (EU Regulation 2016/679).

1. Acceptance of the general conditions of sale: The Customer, by sending the confirmation of his purchase order, declares to unconditionally accept and undertakes to observe, in his relations with Webenergy Sas, these general conditions of sale and takes acknowledge that Webenergy Sas does not consider itself bound to different conditions that have not been previously agreed in writing between the parties.

2. Liability: Webenergy Sas is not responsible for any damage or loss, direct and/or indirect, deriving from the sale of goods and services offered in the catalog published in the E-Shop section of the website https://sh775.it, also for delayed and/or failed delivery of the product, nor for any other fact not directly attributable to Webenergy Sas.

3. Product Availability: In the product catalog published in the E-Shop section of the website https://sh775.it, information is given about the minimum available stock lot of the products normally present in the warehouse. In any case, Webenergy Sas will promptly communicate to the customer the possible unavailability of one or more items in the order received, to allow him to make decisions in this regard, possibly also canceling the order itself and be refunded.

4. Risk and Ownership: The goods are shipped carriage paid; upon delivery of the goods, the customer must verify the integrity of the packages and the quantitative and qualitative correspondence with what is indicated in the accompanying document. In case of discrepancies, the same must be reported on the same accompanying document and delivered, no later than eight days, via email to Webenergy Sas. Even if the packaging is intact, the goods must be checked within eight days of receipt. Any hidden anomalies must be reported in writing by e-mail (info@sh775.it). Any report beyond the aforementioned deadlines will not be taken into consideration. For each declaration, the customer assumes full responsibility for what is declared.

5. Orders: Orders from our E-Shop are accepted only and exclusively via the Internet (online), subject to the customer's use of the appropriate procedures (electronic cart, etc.). The customer who sends the order via the Internet will receive, at the end of the procedure, a communication confirming the order has been placed via electronic mail (E-mail).

6. Prices: The prices of the products that can be purchased on Webenergy Sas are indicated gross of VAT (VAT included). Prices can be modified at any time, without notice and the prices expressed in the E-Shop section of the Webenergy Sas website at the end of the purchase procedure will be considered applied to each order.

7. Documentation: The documentation relating to the Products ordered will be issued by Webenergy Sas at the time of shipment of the Products themselves to the Customer. The tax documentation produced will be the accompanying invoice (issued by Webenergy Sas).

8. Packaging and shipping costs: The packaging and shipping costs of the Products are free for orders of an amount equal to or greater than €500.00 including VAT; for orders of smaller amounts they are equal to €15.00 VAT included. Deliveries are normally made via a service provided by DPD Courier,  or equivalent courier. Unless otherwise indicated, all deliveries are made at street level. Webenergy Sas reserves the right to charge back to the Customer any additional costs (e.g. storage, redelivery, etc.), if resulting from failure to deliver due to unavailability of the Customer. We accept orders from all EU Countries.

10. Payments: The payment methods accepted by Webenergy Sas are as follows: PayPal, Credit Card. 

11. Product Guarantees - right to replacement (Returns): The product descriptions and images on the site correspond to what is made available by Webenergy Sas. Webenergy Sas undertakes to make maximum efforts to correct as soon as possible any errors and omissions that may occur in the product descriptions. All new items for sale on this e-commerce site are guaranteed for two years from the date of purchase, with replacement of the item with an identical or equivalent one. All used items for sale on this e-commerce site are guaranteed for one year from the date of purchase, with replacement of the item with an identical or equivalent one. The guarantee cannot be invoked in the event of obvious tampering with the item by the customer. The cost of the return, in the event of replacement under warranty, is our responsibility.

12. Responsibility of the seller: Without prejudice to the hypothesis of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Webenergy Sas, it is hereby agreed that, should Webenergy Sas' liability in any capacity towards the Customer be ascertained - including the case of non-fulfilment , total or partial, to the obligations assumed by Webenergy Sas towards the Customer as a result of the execution of an order - the liability of Webenergy Sas cannot exceed the price of the Products purchased by the Customer and for which the dispute arose.

13. Right of withdrawal (within 14 days of receipt): All returns (which must be perfectly intact and accompanied by the original packaging) must be authorized by Webenergy Sas Customer Service which will issue a return authorization number (RMA). Once the RMA number has been received, the Customer can return the Product to the following address: Webenergy Sas via Grandi 3 – 60131 Ancona (AN) - Italy. Cash on delivery parcels will not be accepted. Once the Products have been received (and their integrity has been verified), Webenergy Sas will, as quickly as possible, credit the Customer with the cost of the returned Products (as indicated on the invoice or receipt). The amount of return shipping costs are borne by the Customer. The right of withdrawal referred to in this article cannot be exercised by the Customer in the event that the purchased Products and/or their packaging have been tampered with by the Customer himself or even only temporarily used.

14. Competent court: Without prejudice to the possible applicability of mandatory provisions of law aimed at protecting consumers (as defined pursuant to art. 1 letter b) of Legislative Decree 22 May 1999 n. 185), any dispute connected to these General Conditions will be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Ancona - Italy.

15. Pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 1341 and 1342 of the italian civil code, the Customer, by accepting these Conditions of Sale, declares to have carefully read and understood and to specifically accept the following clauses: 4) risk and ownership; 8) packaging and shipping costs; 9) delivery terms; 10) payment methods; 11) product guarantees and returns; 12) limit of liability; 13) withdrawal; 14) competent court;